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Oral Hygiene for Kids – How to Inspire Children to Take Care of Their Teeth


Many children have procedures to fill or remove damaged or rotten teeth every year. More often than not, these are treatments that could have been avoided with the proper care and regular check-ups. So, how can we ensure we are inspiring kids to care for their teeth correctly? Here we look at ways to do precisely that.

Take them with you to your dental appointment

Bring younger children to your or their older siblings’ dental appointments. This will show them that it is a normal process, and that there is nothing scary about it. It will get them used to the sights and sounds of the dental practice and the faces that come and go. They will see the tools used and that everything is done calmly and safely.

Start check-ups early

Once your child has some teeth through, you should think about booking their first check-up. This will ensure their teeth are growing correctly and get them in the habit of being in the dentist’s chair early.

Show them how it’s done

Try to book their appointments straight after your own. That way, they can see you in the chair first. Also, get them to watch when you brush your teeth. Maybe brush them together to get used to brushing for two minutes and covering the whole mouth rather than focusing on one area.

Talk to them

Fear and anxiety can come from the unknown. Talk to your child about looking after their teeth and what the dentist will check for. Explain the process as light-heartedly as you can so they can see there is nothing to be worried about.


A sticker reward chart for brushing their teeth for the correct length of time, twice a day, is a great idea. Also, if you are going for a dental check-up, perhaps offer a magazine, sticker, or trip to the park straight after. Rewards are a great way to get your children to engage.

Comfort and reassurance

Calmly comfort your child if they are nervous about the dentist. Reassure them that nothing bad will happen and it will be quick and easy. Practice looking in their mouth at home and make it a fun game.

For information on the dental treatments we provide at The Gallery Dental, contact our friendly team on 01280 822567.

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